About KegelStrong device

The KegelStrong device is a mechanical device composed of a metallic frame with pulleys, an axis which plates with a 250 gr. weight each slide on (everything is made of stainless steel), being forced into motion by pulling the end of a wire which has a small trigger attached to its other end which slides inside the central axis and which the weight-plates are attached to, selected in various numbers, according to each case.Kegel exercises strengthen muscles controlling the urinary flow and sexual functions.
Specialists recommend kegel exercises for people who have bladder control problems (urinary incontinence), erection and potency problems. 

Kegel exercises are also called pelvic platform exercises because they are used for treating and preventing this area’s weakness.The pelvic platform is a “hammock” formed of muscles holding pelvic organs in their place.

These exercises consist of the tightening and relaxing of pelvic muscles (this tightening takes place when one desires to stop the urinary flow) in a certain rhythm and with multiple repetitions, just like any sports training program.I have tried to apply these exercises, but, as a former professional sportsman, I have realized that, even though they made sense, using such a simple procedure, they are also boring, as well as inefficient, or only slightly efficient for myself.Thus, I started designing and testing a fitness system, using the idea of fitness devices from bodybuilding gyms, specially adapted for performing kegel exercises, as efficiently as possible. The result is what you yourselves can see in the photo presentation, a fitness device with tunable weights, including a tunable component, in order to position the penis, depending on each person’s individual anatomy, so that, when the pelvic muscles are tightened, they exercise a pressure, similar to a delicate message, directly on the prostate, on the Cowper’s glands, on the seminal glands, on the sphincters, etc., thus setting a chain reaction on the blood circulation’s level, toning tissues, very strong impulses between them and the brain, offering a refreshing feeling, etc.Pelvic Fitness is not a universal remedy, but only a sports method through which trained muscles can be refreshed, re-toned and which can establish an improved blood circulation in these muscles, thus gaining an incredible protective force against illnesses, as well as a manifestation of one’s sexual function on very high levels.

RememberKegelStrong device is not a drug and, seeing as many patients have sexual dysfunctions caused by infections, they can not expect a very serious infection to be cured with this device. However, the treatment’s efficiency can be increased with antibiotics, through Kegel exercises trainings, because the blood flow that was increased with these trainings, drug substances, gets to the affected area in higher quantities. Aside from that, the number of leucocytes shall also increase with the increase of the blood flow and these white cells have a well known role of increasing the body’s immunity and fighting against infections.