
Prostatitis – the new invention that determines prostatitis’s cure, the prostate’s inflammatory illness, is called KegelStrong.
Prostatitis is an illness which inflames the prostate, an oval shaped organ, which is found under the man’s urinary bladder and which surrounds the urethra. The prostate produces the highest quantity out of the total seminal liquid. Most prostatitis causes are unknown. Approximately 50% of men suffering from prostatitis have no inflammation symptoms, thus, a precise cause cannot be determined. Out of the patients who suffer from inflammation symptoms, approximately 10% have a bacterial infection. A small number of these patients who have a prostate inflammation display no symptoms.                   

Prostatitis is common nowadays and it affects a very large number of men at one point in time. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. When a part of the body is inflamed, it is red, hot and painful. Prostatitis can display numerous symptoms, it can influence difficult, painful and frequent urinations. It can also cause fever’s occurrence as well as the occurrence of lumbar pains or inguinal pains. The patient’s loss of sexual appetite is determined, as well as serious problems regarding his erection and the maintaining of an erection. Prostatitis can easily be mistaken with other affections of the urinary tract and it can occur in various forms. The most frequently encountered stage is the acute one, which is also the most severe as it requires hospitalization. Chronic prostatitis’s symptoms have tendencies to lead to a much slower development and they are just as serious as those of the acute stage.
The term of “prostatitis” includes 4 affections:

1. acute bacterial prostatitits – this is the rarest form out of all 4 types and it is the easiest to diagnose and treat, if an appropriate and timely treatment is used. Persons with this affection display chills, fever, pain in the thoracic and genital area, frequent urinations and especially during the night, painful and stinging urinations and ejaculations, body tingling and a urinary infection which has been discovered through the leucocytes’ and bacteria’s presence in the patient’s urine. This is treated with the appropriate drug determined by an antibiogram.

2. chronic bacterial prostatitis – this is also rarely encountered, it is an acute prostitis associated with the prostate’s poor operation and a bacterial persistency on the urinary tract level. The appropriate treatment is conditioned by the problem’s identification and removal and the infection’s treatment with antibiotics. Most times, antibiotics cannot cure it, but they only treat it in order to improve the symptoms and the quality of life undergoes serious deterioration.

3. chronic prostatitis – the pelvic pain’s pathological stage, it is the most frequent as well as the least understood stage form of the affection. It is encountered in men of all ages; symptoms appear and disappear, with no explanation. Chronic prostitis or the pelvic pain’s chronic syndrome is either inflammatory, or uninflammatory. In the inflammatory syndrome, urine, sperm and other fluids from the prostate do not display signs of infection. In the uninflammatory syndrome, there is no obvious inflammation or evidence of leucocytes’ presence.

4. prostatodynia is similar to non-bacterial prostatitis regarding their symptoms, the patients’ age and the treatment’s inefficiency. In any case, there are no objective evidences such as leucocytes’ presence in the urine of men who suffer from prostatodynia. Sometimes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAI) such as ibuprofen or naproxen help relieve the pain, but seeing as the pains always return after their effect wears off, they cause the patient’s addiction to them.

The prescribed treatment is always a long term one, based on antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and they mostly have no results or, if results are indeed obtained, shortly after the medication is stopped, the symptoms return.
Almost all patients suffering from one form of prostatitis or another, undergo a degree in their potential on all levels: professional, sports, familial, social, etc., …, and all these lead the patient to a very serious psychological stage, with forms of nervousness, anxiety and apathy.
Healing is even more difficult as the patient’s state of mind is deteriorating.
The treatment with long term antibiotics also affects the body’s biological ability and resistance by affecting the liver’s, the kidneys’, the intestinal flora’s, etc. functionality, thus creating a vicious cycle between the drugs’ healing power and their destructive effects.

After a long term of suffering, (months, years) when the patient has tried “all” possible treatments, his mind shall progressively be overtaken by desperation and the belief that he can no longer get better. When this idea has set in the patient’s psychology, a strong fight between this awareness of the illness intervenes, which makes its cure twice as hard and the tiny glimpses of hope from the depth of his soul that a chance can finally be found.
In order to improve the quality of life, obvious results have been obtained, if the patient has enjoyed more trips in the middle of nature, if he has taken refuge in prayer, if he has changed his diet, given up alcohol, smoking or if he has successfully managed to be cured and thus, his life has radically changed even from the man he used to be before turning ill, a life which he now cherishes in a totally different manner.

How does KegelStrong determine the prostatitis cure?

Nowadays, critical blood flow creates even more problems. A good blood circulation is vital for each organ or body area, because it transports nutrient and plastic material, hormones, antibodies, oxygen, metabolic waste and other substances.

The more difficult the blood flow is, the more difficult healing occurs. With KegelStrong, all tissues’ vital blood invasion is caused on a pelvic level which also leads to their revigoration.
The arteries, veins, capillaries which transport blood in our body are maintained in an operational state through vasoconstriction and vasodilatation and their operation depends on the muscular activity that is successfully obtained in this case by using KegelStrong.
A good circulation is maintained through muscular activities specific for each body area: gymnastics, bodybuilding, aerobics, … sports in general.
You now have the possibility to train these pelvic muscles, which comprise our entire urogenital apparatus, by exercising with KegelStrong, meaning a type of bodybuilding for the pelvic muscles.  
When we have an affection on a certain tissue’s level, generally, the muscles’ activity from that area is weakened and the tissues undergo fibrosis and the blood flow from that area becomes extremely difficult, exercising pressures on nervous or vasculary terminations, thus blocking circulation of the vital blood as well as of the nervous impulses between the brain and the affected tissue.
However, if the tissue is not allowed to atrophiate, through exercise, in this case, regarding the pelvic muscles trained with the KegelStrong device, it is obvious that the blood and the nervous communications with the brain shall have a normal circulation and the area’s recuperation and revitalization shall amplify to a maximum.
Consider the fact that blood has the role of also cleaning all types of waste, always returning to the liver and the kidneys and when they are cleaned, they are again loaded with nutrient and plastic material, hormones, antibodies, oxygen, etc., which it again brings to the affected area and the tissue is cleaned and fed in a continuous rhythm and it continues to become stronger until it is healed.

Prostatitis’s cronical form is manifested through the glandular tissue’s sclerosis and atrophiation.
In this situation, as we have previously pointed out, the nervous as well as the vascular terminations reduce their operation to zero. Subequently, nervous impulses and the blood no longer have a normal circulation, thus certainly heading for the illness’s even more serious aggravation, leading to cancer.
The patient displays perianal pains and genital disturbances such as precocious and delayed ejaculations, painful erection with a reduced ejaculation fluid quantity, a lack of sexual appetite, leading to impotency.
The nerve and the blood activity is restricted, the blood flow is disturbed because of toxic products that accumulate in the affected organs and in their reflex points. If the blood flow is critical in a certain segment of the body or in an organ, this segment’s function is disturbed, which leads to its own structure’s destruction.
All these aspects lead to ankylose, pains, organic illnesses, the body’s intoxication and the immunity’s weakness. One can feel one’s legs becoming cold, painful and if proper attention is not paid to these states within the incipient stage, they shall also be subsequently discovered at a distance in the body, in the connecting organs.
Thus, as you can notice, your entire body’s condition is simply aggravated through the fact that tissues affected by the illness become automatically inactive and are thus atrophiated.
This is why gymnastics exercises executed on the KegelStrong device, similar to any sports gymnastics exercise, determine an activity on the penis level which brings vigor and blood circulation that is clearly superior to any person who is not performing these trainings.
All of you who are suffering from prostatitis have seen that you keep on taking all sorts of drugs that are still not curing you from your illness.
I am sharing my personal observations, as a former chronic prostitis patient.
If you don’t get cured from the first treatment, when pelvic muscular and glandular tissues are still viable, and the illness is in its first stage, the opportunity of being cured with the next treatment decreases significantly. I have millions of witnesses around the world who have been suffering from prostitis for years and who can not be cured through any treatment, who can state this very fact.
Specifically because an illness influences the tissues’ atrophiation, a problem that implicitly leads to a very poor circulation and drug substances are cronically reaching the affected organ. The same happens to the number of leucocytes, the body’s natural little soldiers, who are significantly reduced. Thus, if these drug substances and the leucocytes can not reach the prostate in a sufficiently high quantity in order to destroy the germ, it shall become even more resistant, turning even more powerful, from one treatment to another, thus gaining total control over the “territory” it has conquered.
The body also becomes continuously weaker and the possibilities of attacking the illness which came from two sides: 1) chemical – drugs and 2) biological – leucocytes, oxygen, nutrient substances, etc., become inexistent because of a poor blood circulation, which is the only vehicle transporting all of them.
By performing these KegelStrong trainings, you are simply restarting this vehicle, the blood, and transporting drug substances, as well as your own biological “soldiers”, the leucocytes in a high number, to the affected prostate, which can efficiently fight against germs and completely destroy them, thus determining your cure.

Try this curing version with pelvic fitness and you shall certainly obtain the same results:

- Uro-genital health,                                                                                             
- “Athletic” potency, (meaning the control over one’s ejaculation, according to one’s own will, up to even 3 hours of continuous sex)
- Rock hard erection,
- Fertility (the increase of one’s sperm count and its motility)
- A psychical state that shall cause others’ envy,
- A perfect physique, the development of one’s personality and self confidence,
- The return of one’s emotional balance and implicitly the regaining of one’s social respect.
The KegelStrong pack contains the device itself as well as the CD indicating the exercises’ manner of execution in order to obtain the best results.