The PC Muscle

Modern statistics indicate a sad truth regarding male sexuality, specifically that 85% of all men cannot make love for over 3 minutes without ejaculating because of the pubo-coccyges muscle’s underdevelopment and weakening. Many men are not aware that the PC muscle can be strengthened to such a level that it can be used in order to prevent ejaculation. Through the PC muscle’s sufficient strengthening and through the adequate practice of the new pelvic fitness sport, one can increase the control on orgasms’ occurrence, duration and intensity.
A weak PC muscle causes weak erections, impotency and early ejaculation. Thus, ejaculation’s control is first of all a development problem in the PC muscle’s strength.


The pubo-coccyges muscle is actually a group of pelvic muscles, whose proper operation guarantees sexual health. These muscles extend from the pubic bone up to the coccyges. You can feel this muscle in the perineum area (the area situated immediately behind the testicles) and in front of the anus, in the prostate’s vicinity. Aside from the fact that the PC muscle is used in controlling the urination together with other pelvic muscles, it is the one insuring a man as well as a woman reaching each of their climaxes. Strengthening and disciplining this muscle’s control is a real key to a fulfilling sex life. The erotic muscles’ role continues to be ignored, but this is not because of a missing efficient training and development mean for these muscles. Pelvic Fitness is now offering this mean!
In day to day life, sexual muscularity is minimally used, which is why it needs to be trained in order to be able to use as best as possible, because it is a key in erotic fulfillment. Arnold Kegel has rediscovered sexual muscularity’s importance for our physical and mental health, applying aspects that were well known in India and China thousands of years ago.
Ancient oriental wisdom claims that the energy transported by our body can be lost through the urethral (or, in women’s case, the vaginal orifice) and anal orifices. However, if sexual muscles are strong enough, these orifices can be clogged, thus preventing one’s own energy from draining outside. Muscularity’s strengthening techniques also have rejuvenation effects. It has been ascertained that these techniques’ application also has benefic effects in cases of vaginitis, cystitis, urinary inconsistency, constipation, sterility, frigidity, prostitis, impotence, early ejaculation… A series of phsychical effects also occur aside from these physiological benefic effects: a significantly amplified sexuality,  self confidence, the increased ability of experiencing and sharing pleasure.
Before starting to practice these exercises, it is best to first locate your sexual muscles on your own body and, especially, the pubo-coccyges (PC) muscle. This muscle is found in the area between the annex and the genital organ and it is part of the pelvic platform’s muscularity for both sexes.

Type I   - slow contractions.
powerfully contract your pubo-coccyges muscles as though you wanted to stop your urinary flow. OK. Maintain this contraction for 3-5 seconds and relax afterwards. Repeat the exercise and notice that, as you repeat it, you continue to feel more and more safe.

Type II – rapid contractions.
Similar to when you are in a hurry and you are pumping your bicycle wheel. You work really fast with the pump. You alternatively contract and relax the pubo-coccyges muscles as fast as possible. And as much as possible. In the beginning. As the number of repetitions increases, you continue to feel stronger.

Type III – pushes.
Similar to when you try to push heavy furniture. For you, it is similar to the way you force yourself in order to urinate.

When performing the exercises, you are also working your abdominal muscularity as well as your entire muscularity from the pelvis area. Do you understand the immense strength you are capable of using?                                              

Andnow, the training:                                           

50 slow contractions
50 rapid contractions
50 pushes.

You must perform this series at least five times at night, before going to bed. If you feel like it, if you are inspired, enlightened, you can even perform several series. You will feel even better. You are entitled to feel as good and as fulfill as you want. After one week, you shall add another ten repetitions to each of the three contraction types. And you shall continue in this manner, every week, until you shall get to series composed of one hundred repetitions. I cannot even dare say how strong and powerful you shall feel. If you get tired at the end of an evening, do not give up. You can take a short break and restart the exercise. You spirit can be found within the physical exercise. Don’t stop.
Aside from prolonging a sexual episode, there are also other benefits you can enjoy by practicing these exercises. KegelStrong exercises can adapt to each individual which is why, when each of you orders the

KegelStrong device, you shall also receive the CD containing examples of exercises so that you yourselves can adapt them and easily apply then, according to your own anatomy.
Of course everyone is talking about the efficiency of kegel exercises and about strengthening one’s pelvic muscles with their help, doctors know that this results in a superior health and operation of one’s sexual organs, but KegelStrong exercises really have a far greater intensity and they have results to show for it.